9 Videos
0 Quizzes
0 Worksheets
3 Files
Welcome and About this Course
Lesson 1: Freezer Meals are Awesome!
Lesson 2: Why a Freezer Meal CLUB?
Lesson 3: General Club Considerations
Lesson 4: Types of Freezer Meal Clubs
Lesson 5: The Cooking Club
Lesson 6: The Exchange Club
Lesson 7: The Dinner Club
Lesson 8: Handling Money
Lesson 9: Handling Food
Lesson 10: Handling Challenges
Lesson 11: The Blessing Meals
Lesson 12: Objections
Bonus 1: Budget and Streamlining tips
Bonus 2: My Own FMC Strategy
Bonus 3: Running Smoothly
Thank You and ALL the bonuses and printables